Holiday Season Poses Unique Opportunities and Threats

So the weather outside is frightful, while the Innovative Fitness studio & team are so delightful!
A new month brings new challenges and opportunities. I am very pleased with my upper body strength and particularly the muscle definition now seen in my shoulders, back and legs. Speaking of legs… my Achilles’ heel is nutrition and I have to make a concerted effort to stay on track with the Innovative Fitness nutrition team to complement my fitness regimen with a solid food intake plan for fuel and healthy lifestyle for 2022 and beyond.
The Holiday Season is all about getting together, sharing, caring and, of course, food! My plan is to enjoy with moderation and never deprive myself of food. I will be more selective with my plate filling and following the plan of more veggies, greens, and healthy protein with carbs and other goodies taking up the rear, and not permanently having a place on my rear!!!
My weight may have plateaued for now, but the positive here is that my fat is being replaced by healthy muscle mass. The biggest step forward I have noticed is that my balance is literally 100% improved and I no longer fear ladders, steps, and the simple things that a formerly 314-pound person would encounter. My focus now is to continue upper and lower body strength exercises with a key attitude towards food as fuel, and happiness.
I am listing my Personal Fitness goals for 2022 and they are quite achievable.
- Lose 40 more pounds to reach 200 by my birthday
- Increase muscle mass
- Fully integrate the Innovative Fitness Beyond Nutrition plan
- Get back on a bicycle and rediscover Vancouver by bike
- Reach my clothing size of 36w and 44 chest
- Increase my fitness sessions to 4 per week (from 3)
My coaches are just the best! They truly care about my progress and encourage me in ways that are impossible to fully describe. The Innovative Fitness studio where I train is just superb and I invite my friends and colleagues to MEET ME THERE, and or book a free consultation session at the Innovative Fitness studio nearest you to discover what sets them apart from the rest!