Powering On – October Progress Report

Well another two weeks in the books and I can proudly report that I have achieved a few milestones with Innovative Fitness:
- I benched a new personal best of 135 pounds and Mel spotted me all the way
- I did my first bar squats with I believe 65 pounds with ease! It was really different to stand under the bar and lift with the shoulders etc. i have a great appreciation for those who do squats competitively!
- I am now able to shop entirely off the rack at an XL size and a 40 waist for the first time since college.
- I can now see muscle definition in my legs, arms, shoulders, and feel amazing!
So anything else to report?… Yes! I have not concentrated on the special nutrition program offered to me and will endeavour to start that ASAP. Good news is I am eating much healthier… Bad news is I am to take time to fully report all meals et al, and I have been so busy that I have not completed that important piece. Thank you Ish, my Nutritionist, for your understanding.
Finally, hats off to Melanie and Hayley who are my uber-awesome trainers, and to Penny and the team at Innovative Fitness for their support and amazing facilities – and team! Lastly, I have a new best friend in Gary the dog… the official IF Kitsilano ambassador.

This is a journey and thanks to IF I am travelling first class!!!
Please dm me about discovering the IF difference and try them out like I did in August!
Have a wonderful weekend,