Drive-In Movies Are Making a Comeback – Howard on CKNW’s Lynda Steele Show
LOCAL CHARITIES JOIN FORCES TO RAISE MONEY AFTER GALA EVENTS CANCELLED Fighting COVID Together An Unprecedented First-Ever Online Live Auction – Saturday, May 23 (Vancouver, BC) – Six of British Columbia’s most well-respected philanthropic organizations have come together to raise funds as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are: Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre Association Dr. Peter…
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Overcoming these difficult times for charitable organizations and turning lemons into fundraising lemonade!!! As an MC and Auctioneer, I am fortunate to work with and assist in fundraising for hundreds of philanthropic organizations annually. Many of the fundraising initiatives involve up close and live interactions with guests, golfers, participants, etc. The Covid 19 pandemic has…
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