Two Weeks Further Into My Journey

So the past two weeks saw me travel to Las Vegas for work and miss my weekly regimen at Innovative Fitness Kitsilano.
Normally I would jump for joy at missing an hour of physical stress, but in actuality I now feel incomplete without my personal trainers Mel and Hayley, and my thrice-weekly sessions.
Lucky for me The Wynn has an outstanding fitness centre and Mel sent me step-by-step instructions so I could continue my program 2,000 miles away.
The travel plan she provided consisted of simple cardio on the bike, treadmill, and rowing machine, followed by weight exercises that were easy to adapt even without a fitness centre. For instance, resistance training by using my own weight, the edge of a bed, or a chair, and I am able to get in my much-needed workout in the simplicity of my hotel room.
Inchworms, lunges, crunches only require the willingness to commit to them!!!
Progress report:
My weight is down, my muscle mass is up, and my trainers can now physically see the difference in my body by how I manage each exercise. I’ve learned it’s not just the weight but the precision of the exercise that matters.
Even with my own body dysmorphia issues I can see that my face is thinning and I am achieving greater balance. Bringing in heavy items seem easy for me!
Innovative Fitness is truly the catalyst for my change and I am grateful every single day for their support, caring, and expert team always at the ready to help me crush this life-changing journey.
Want to experience the best… please go to the Innovative Fitness website and sign up for their free introductory sessions… just like I did in August.